Links: The Orange Papers
Because of the rather uncertain status of Secret Agent Orange's website here
is a page dedicated to getting current info of its status as well as obtaining
the downloadable version of it. News as of 2006/12/18:The Orange Papers is back online. To ensure that his information doesn't become lost I used my DSL connection and downloaded all of the the .zip and .tar.gz files which comprise the downloadable mirror of his site's contents (use 7-Zip to extract the files within such archive file formats). I'll be providing mirrored downloads and various P2P links so that anyone can readily download his site in a week or so. News as of 2006/12/10:The Orange Papers is down again. Go to http://www.geocities.com/saorangedl and download the 2004 mirror of the site (the .ZIP files are on the site itself so click upon the guilt-inducing links in the far-right collumn of the table there and download to your heart's content). And, for those who don't like KaZaA/FastTrack (I've moved on to the bigger, better and more reliable eMule), here are the eD2k hash links (load your eD2k client, click each link, download and share):
Orange_Papers-imgs1-2004-05-04.zip Awesome News as of 2005/10/01:The Orange Papers website is not just back to its old badassed format but completely updated with new content and new mirror files! Likewise, it even has a brand new discussion forum (firsties by me, naturally) at http://www.orange-papers.org/orangeboard which can use some new content. Go there and refer to the download site (metioned in my previous update) in case TOP goes offline again. Even better, download its mirror files and fileshare them. Good News as of 2005/08/28:I now have the .ZIP mirror files back online @ http://www.geocities.com/saorangedl yet who knows how long that will last (I came "thisclose" to using up the allotted 15MB). Get some filesharing software (or don't, you bandwidth-wasting heathens ;->) and get busy! Mirror via The Internet Archive:If you find the new layout aggravating you can see how The Orange Papers used to look. Since the site hasn't been updated since May 2004 everything, aside from the downloadable version of the site, is where it should be! Check it out: http://web.archive.org/web/20040513145025/http://www.orange-papers.org/ Old updates:
(UPDATE 2005/04/19: The host for the Orange Papers website is pissed
at Secret Agent Orange due to how large the files are which comprise the
site as well as Orange's links to the domain from his free website accounts
on other hosts. An ultimatum was made with a message
which replaced the home page for the site which, in short, stated that
if Orange didn't edit the site pages and graphics down into more manageable
sizes then he wouldn't get his site back online with the host.) The Missing Orange Papers Downloads via KaZaA Filesharing:
Because I don't have much free server space to place the actual files online
the best I can do is to file them via
KaZaA. It will be slow
going at first but, as more people download and share these files, these
BENEFITS!!! A description of the files from the downloadable version:
I've provided
Magnet-based and
filesharing links. To be on the safe side I've also calculated the MD5 signatures
of the files. That way you'll get EXACTLY what I have. As I said earlier,
I do NOT have enough webspace at this time to physically host the files at
this time.
Until I get word from Secret Agent Orange to remove these links they'll remain up. And, if you don't mind spreading the word via your own website, the table code with all of the links is available here within this PGP-signed text file: LINKSSAO.TXT.
Last updated 2006/12/18 |
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