- - -
If you like this website and wish to link to it, please download and use
the nifty and easily cut & pasted HTML
code located on the "No 12-Steps!"
campaign page or link to http://www.thearidsite.org. Thanks!
2008/11/09 - New Toll-Free Voicemail
Ever since the demise of privatephone.com I've been on the lookout for a
new voicemail number. Just last week I found a solid provider it also allows
the voicemail to be toll-free for callers. So it's all on me!
It also has a nice feature where I can actually upload my greeting. So I've
decided to mix my own together using an old music track from a 1993 "Walkthroughs
& Flybys" CD-ROM. It took me several takes to record my voice. It was
a mouthful of text to recite but I think I nailed it. I had to use some
timestretching to have the length of the voice message match the music but
now my voice actually seems to match the tempo of the music (a high-tech
motif taken from a 1992 ICL computer technology presentation which lends
a sense of urgency and final optimism to the proceedings).
I'll be scanning some more documentation today for uploading klater tonight
as part of The 12th Files so feel free to say
(800)871-9012 Ext. 46316#
Be well and live well one LIFETIME at a time! :-)
--Mark D. Baum
2008/10/25 - Five-Year Coin Acceptance Speech
Hello. My real name is Mark D. Baum and I am the Editor of The ARID
Site. I was formerly a problem drinker years ago and, for maybe a few
months somewhere between the Summer of 2003 and the end of 2004, I used to
be a Real Alcoholic in A.A. A Real Alcoholic is nothing but a euphemism for
being a True Believer in Bill'n'Bob's harmful dogmatic pro-addiction nonsense.
Since the Summer of 2007 I decided to do something no cowardly SCAAAMer could
comprehend or even do for that matter: To return to the rooms and observe.
And I wound up becoming a member of a Home Group and then becoming its Treasurer.
Today all of that will change. I decided to out myself and revealed in front
of the whole room that I quit without any of Bill'n'Bob's nonsense. Oh, and
I received my Five-Year Coin as well.
While I didn't get a chance to deliver the whole speech (I only wanted to
focus upon a few select passages from it in the end detailing my own decision
to quit and even that, without focusing on my criticism of William Griffith
Wilson and just detailing my quitting), it was enough for them to get really
pissed. So pissed, in fact, that the poor sots didn't have the courage to
let me sign the greeting card for the speaker, not to mention tearing up
printed copies of the full uncensored speech without examining its full contents
that I placed around the room after the meeting. Oh, such a display of serenity!
At least it will make for a new Article for my
So right now, in my possession are all of the documents relating to the
functioning of the Home Group. I had the foresight to save everything in
.PDF format as I generated it for the Home Group so there are complete copies.
In fact the actual paperwork is derived from those .PDF documents.
I also have information which is not in electronic format right now. But
since I have this week off from work I will be taking that time in firing
up my scanner and archiving it all in digital format. You name it and there's
the good chance I have it: Financial information, coin distributions, incoming
monetary contributions and various details of expenses plus much more. The
"much more" part will be detailed and distributed online and to various
authorities as I get everything archived, backed up and stored elsewhere
in at least two very safe places.
As for my girlfriend that I met in 2007 that relationship ended in September
of that year as she decided to resume her recreational drug use. And, in
the face of someone who knows about her history, that is very embarrassing
on her part due to her own lack of knowing right from wrong when her bad
habit is concerned.
But that's okay. I found someone a bit more genuine who is not a part of
A.A. at all. She's someone who can allow me to be myself and accept me for
who I am. And, believe me, I've opened up completely to her and want no secrets
to come between us. In fact I've decided to be quite open as of late and
going as far as retiring my old nickname that I posted articles under.
A lesson I've learned: When you have the facts on your side then you have
nothing to hide from. Let 'em come after me, provided they have the stones
to do so (fat chance). And I'll be here just waiting for 'em to step into
my snare.
It's funny. This year has been the best year of my life. I have discovered
some very new and special friends who are not affiliated with the lame "Recovery"
scene at all. I have even traveled outside of Pennsylvania to discover things
which I found just truly awesome and met some genuinely gentle, open-minded
and intelligent people: People who I consider to be some of my closest friends
now. These awesome people make the zealots in A.A. a pale, lifeless counterfeit
in comparison.
Anyway, the cure for closed-minded evil tyranny that breeds under the darkness
of secrecy is to bring it to light. To expose it for the evil that it is.
It's something that good people of moral conscience should do more often
rather than cowering and hoping such tyranny would go away all by itself.
And the best way to deal with such petty tyrants (bullies) is to expose them
for the pathetic immoral or amoral weaklings that they truly are. Sometimes,
if one has the right tools, they'll expose themselves without any extra work
on your part.
Hey! It's subversive and fun! And right now I'm having a blast! The cult
just blinked! And I was there to witness and document it.
Be well and live well one LIFETIME at a time! :-)
--Mark D. Baum
2007/05/31 - Emotional Bioterrorism
It's been a while. I've been engaged in my other projects which are much
more interesting than writing page after page of recovery cult criticism.
Add that plus a much-needed hiatus brought about by writer's block and thus
instant delay in publishing.
Not to worry, though. A new Article is up which
delves into the terroristic ways of any recovery cult. It was a last-minute
essay but I felt it was good to blow off some more steam.
Finally, HUUUUUUUUGE props go out to
Sheehan for standing up for integrity and bolting from the Degenerat
Party. I can understand her plight 100% since I was betrayed as well. The
only difference was that I bolted in the Summer of 2005 and, up to that moment,
had nearly a decade invested in that waste of a so-called "opposition" party.
Her plight served as inspiration for my Article.
Never let the bastards get you down. They're wrong. Never be afraid to tell
the truth and to speak your mind for silence means compliance.
Writin' more soon...
2007/05/01 - I'm Still Here
I've been quiet on the web front for the last month or so. Nothing bad happened
short of having some bears show up at the compound. Don't worry. I have the
photos and there was no damage done. Just a visit from nature itself and
the local media afterwards.
In fact I've been enjoying a new computer I bought since I upgraded a family
member's PC. Their system was so sweet for the money (as in very inexpensive)
that I had to get one for myself. And since it's it's hard but not impossible
to find a new PC without
Vista installed it was a great deal for killer hardware.
The new hardware will help in my video production hobby since the hard drive
is quite spacious (300GB) and faster than my notebook's 30GB hard drive.
The newer processor and that it's running dual-boot XP-Pro and
Ubuntu Linux means it
is running very efficiently. I recommend
PowerSpec computers
for anyone who wants some impressive hardware for a small amount of cash.
Anyhow, after I get my playtime out of my system as I test the limits of
my new hardware I'll be making up for the lack of an
Article last month. And yes I still have
to get the Mailbag out (among other things).
Just think: My new hatrdware cost the equivalent of tossing a dollar into
about 900 A.A. meetings (less meetings if you had a sponsor who insists that
you pony up the price of a bottle of beer). And, since I will NEVER
drink again my drinking tab which I never have anymore paid for the hardware.
That's a few of the many benefits of not having to believe in
William Griffith Wilson's lies. ;->
Be well and live well one LIFETIME at a time! :-)
2007/03/11 - There Is No Gene
HBO is in full force spamming the banner advertising networks in promoting
its "Addiction" series of lies. So another
Article is now up in a meager effort
to counter its lies. It's also a response to a line of inquiry from a
SCAAAMer who was unwise to trust any of the lies of the
RGM/ATI to begin with.
As my hobby progresses I have decided to bite the News Corporation-subsidised
MySpace bullet and, because a friend of mine is on it, I decided to procure
some 'Space and experiment with it accordingly. Thus, the beginning of
Space and its companion
Regarding the blog, quickly-published and timely items not needing a full
Article to provide a full vivisection
will be published there. Things such as brief thoughts, ideas or curiosities
of a general nature will be posted. In fact, my initial criticism of HBO's
"Addiction" is to be found there (especially an interesting observation about
Micro$quish products).
Oh, and since it's hosted on MySpace, if you're down with the abolition of
the RGM/ATI (despite the wishes of the SCAAAM) then,
by all means, request to be a Friend. I'll evaluate and process your request
accordingly. And, for the sake of Informed Consent,
I recommend that you
read up about
MySpace via Wikipedia before you join.
Anyhow, I do have HBO's "Addiction" DVD on order for the sake of debunking
it further. Since I've already debunked most of the major fallacies concerning
addiction then tackling that Beast will be just as easy. And, since I'm an
A/V geek, it may be in the form of an A/V podcast. It all depends on how
fast I want to get the criticism out.
Anyhow, have a great weekend! :-)
P.S. Belatedly, my respect and condolences go out to the friends and
family of Brad
Delp (1951/06/12 - 2007/03/09). I've always liked the
music of Boston and his voice will surely be missed.
I regret that I've never bought a Boston album. I'll remedy that now.
2007/02/28 - The Downward Spiral
A new Article is up just in time for
the closing of the month (looks like my publishing schedule is turning out
to be at the end of the month...or whenever). This time I attempt to detail
a key reason why ALL groupers in general tend to be a little flaky.
I recommend you take most advice from groupers with a bit of apprehension
and skepticism.
On an unrelated note, I've acquired some hardware that will allow me to digitize
some old VHS videotapes into digital format. Since I've been honing my skills
in my A/V hobby I decided to give it a shot. Other unrelated technical things
here at the compound is that I will NEVER use Micro$quish WinBlows
Asta'la'vista. In fact I've been weaning myself off of Microsoft products
and moving towards
(definitely check out the
Ubuntu releases). And, since I
for my office software needs and
Firefox for my web browsing (okay, I actually use
the older Mozilla Suite for browsing, HTML editing and E-mail...though
I will make the move to
eventually...but I still like AOLPRESS though), the move to Linux
is simply another beneficial progressive step in the right direction.
So, for my next trick, I will show people how to free themselves of Micro$quish
dependency. ;-> Anyhow, see y'all in March as I go on the move with more
unbridled and aggressive criticism against the entire
2007/02/09 - Outing A.A.
While performing some site mantainence (I might as well update the logos
with the .ORG URL for The
ARID Site) I decided to also add an introduction to the
Articles section. I'm in the middle of prepping
my site to be moved to a new server so I might as well get some of the
preliminary work out of the way.
Also, due to an interesting E-mail I received, I decided to kick off yet
another Activism section for the sake of outing
two-hatters who recruit while on the public dole. While I am in the middle
of prepping the next Mailbag for publication I
decided to at least expose what some Atlantic County, New Jersey citizens'
taxes are paying for.
More will be revealed... ;->
2007/01/31 - Can The DSM Be Wrong?
While gearing up in my presentation of additional research I just had to
take a swipe at the DSM. Thus, another
Article has made the cut. I've been accused as
not being open-minded at times (I really have to publish my next
Mailbag). So, I might as well turn the tables and
ask: "If one were open-minded then certainly one would be open to the
idea that the whole basis for the diagnosis of substance addiction can be
wrong as well. Right?"
Also, during December of last year I acquired a snail-mail P.O. box and a
voicemail number. They are detailed upon my Mailbag
page so feel free and let 'er rip.
The main reason why updates have been slow is that I'm teaching myself how
to shoot, chop, cut and throw video around. And the interesting part is that
I've limited myself to low-to-no-budget tools. So far the effort is paying
off in my experimentation (the video editing software cost only $20 and was
purchased in 2004, the audio component of which I used to remaster the audio
for the "Pass-It-On" video).
Anyhow, they'll be more surprises and more dirt as I dig in deep into the
dirty details of the SCAAAM itself. The aforementioned
Article is just a small piece of that puzzle.
Oh, and please do visit
if you feel that something is amiss regarding that profession. You're not
crazy. The system is insane!
P.S. A special shoutout goes out to
UPMC. On January 18, 2007
@ 14:13:56 in the afternoon, a user at upmc.edu attempted to
search for Rational Recovery meetings in the Pittsburgh
Pennsylvania area (of self-promotional note: The ARID Site is
at the TOP of that search list at the time of that search). The good
news regarding addiction is that anyone can quit without shrinks,
rehabs, cult religion or especially meetings. Thus, there are NO R.R.
meetings ANYWHERE! My recommendation is that the curious person at
UPMC should visit and study
R.R.'s Crash Course on
AVRT. They simply summed up how anyone quits their addiction (as
a former smoker who quit over a decade ago, I can vouch for it since I quit
without it and found that they distilled that vital knowledge into a very
brief educational format).
2007/01/12 - "Not Gonna Happen"
...as in the prospect of quitting within the RGM/ATI. And that's not my opinion
but of a high-level insider within it (this time it isn't Vailliant). And
the person was caught on video in case you don't believe it.
Thus, a new Activism page in which I present a
personally-remastered high-quality presentation of Rational Recovery's
"Pass-It-On" video. And, best of all, you can download it in high-quality
MPEG1 VCD and XviD/Lame formats.
The idea of me presenting this video in a higher-quality format initially
originated from my days when I used to participate within the SCAAAM's
E-mail online forums. At the time I didn't find any suitable A/V codecs which
could do the job at presenting very good quality video in a reduced-bandwidth
format. So it was one of those things which was placed on the back burner.
Larer on, I found some free file space providers, some killer A/V codecs,
moved up from dialup to DSL and went from there. Now, the end results are
available not just for immediate download but I've provided links where one
can easily share the files via filesharing networks. To sweeten the deal
I even created a transcript of the incriminating part of the video.
So, if you have a website and want to do something, download that video.
Watch it. Think about it. Share it with your friends, loved ones and anyone
who wants to quit. It just proves my case, laid out within my numerous
Articles, that it's all just a pro-addiction swindle.
Big HUUUUUUUUGE props to Jack Trimpey and his crew at
Rational Recovery for the video. :-)
This video will come in handy for some more items I'm publishing online.
2006/12/31 - Plight Of A Former Grouper
Despite minor technical difficulties (I simply needed to reset my DSL modem
by unplugging and plugging the power back in...now all is well) I'm ending
the year of 2006 with a double-shot:
A quick new Article, essentially summarizing the
truth all one needs to know about quitting and about the frauds out there
who will do their part to talk people out of quitting for good, is online.
It isn't much but it'll do (how many ways can I state that the entire RGM/ATI
is a fraud?). It's just a quickie to cleanse my palate as I get even more
aggressive in exposing more lies in '07.
Also, a new addition to The 12th Files:
The long-awaited list of A.A. Front Groups that
also features excerpts from Chas Bufe's "Alcoholics Anonymous: Cult Or Cure"
and Ken Ragge's "The Real AA". It may not seem like much but it is going
to be a work in process. It did, however, take the time to make the links
in Bufe's footnotes work and link to his own cited sources so that's worth
some time browsing. What's there should provide a much-needed springboard
to anyone who was wondering about potential connections between the Buchmanites
and the SCAAAMers.
There's other work I have on deck so this is a great way for me to end the
old year and kick off the new year. So, for those who may get pinched this
holiday season, don't believe the lies.
Have a happy, productive and safe 2007! :-)
2006/12/10 - Orange Todschweigen Mail
Realizing that it's been a couple of months since I left a placeholder for
that part of the Mailbag page, I decided to kick
it off by including a very lengthy and detailed unanswered mail to Secret
Agent Orange.
Likewise, with the brownouts occurring at The Orange Papers I've decided
to also add eD2k filesharing links that point
to the May 2004 mirror files of his website. And no, the brownouts aren't
occurring because of a vast Buchmanite
gangstalking conspiracy. The Big
O. simply forgot to pay his bills, much less never optimized his own website
for high-traffic considerations.
(For a $25/hr rate I can reorganize and optimize his site...but first,
show me the money...)
There's more Todschweigen Mail to
come and more research I'm publishing this week which, if you're not convinced
by the vast fraud of the Buchmanites and their cowardly SCAAAMer
apologists, will certainly convince even the most
diehard nutjobs out there (well, maybe
not, but I remain optimistic of that possibility).
Anyone can quit an addiction for good. That's a fact. :-)
2006/12/09 - The Fraud Of Peele
It's been over a month (again) but that hasn't stopped my work.
In the midst of playing catch up (yes, I know I'm a few months behind on
presenting that list of A.A. front groups) I've been collaborating with a
couple of people who were harmed by the Synanon I
was tortured within. So a lot of my typing was dedicated into documenting
more atrocities of that place for an upcoming website.
In the meantime, just to show that I am beginning to un-endorse some of the
books listed upon my Book page, I've decided to liberate
a quick review of Peele's book "The Truth About Addiction and Recovery"
from a previously-penned Article. So, if anyone
is surfing around they'll find the review first.
An interesting note about the hypocrisy of Peele: Here's a guy who has also
debunked the disease mythology of addiction yet refuses to condemn an
organization which openly embraces the disease mythology; an entity known
as Lindesmith. The only reason I can see for that
continued allegiance would be for the sake of professional cred, integrity
be damned.
The telling quote is offered by Robert Newman, a long-time methadone maintenance
advocate (jargon translated as: someone who
advocates further chemical dependency as the "treatment" for heroin
addiction) from Peele's website:
"...hell, it would cheapen greatly the meaning of the Lindesmith Award
which [Peele] and [Robert Newman] both received..."
Can I ever get off methadone?,
But then, what more can one expect from ANYONE who never was addicted
or never even quit their addiction (believing and promoting most of the
disease/treatment nonsense along the way)? As far as the facts are concerned,
Lindesmith was damaged goods to begin with.
And what do the SCAAAMers have to say about that?
Actually, they won't respond knowing full well that their ruse is
being exposed further and it's easier for them
to remain quiet and not get involved in
any controversy (despite that SCAAAMers claim to be against
Buchmanism). Anyone can quit ANY addiction once and for all
by simply never engaging in that problem behavior ever again. What complicates
the problem is the politically-correct AAmerican falsehood that people
need treatment for quitting is so hard!
It's complete rubbish. But then, for those reading this, y'all knew that.
Peele doesn't know what he's talking about despite his academic credentials;
credentials that, in the end, mean dick. He simply doesn't
know how to quit.
2006/11/01 - Gaslighting Laura
Another month. Another article. This time this
is one from my diskette'o'drafts of stuff I was going to present elsewhere.
In this case, an Article about the gaslighting trickery of the United States'
social services system.
Originally, this was going to serve as the basis for a contribution to an
E-mail discussion forum regarding how to make someone crazy. However, the
more I learned about the SCAAAM the more I felt that such submissions
would be a waste of time and ASCII regarding such forums. So this sat on
my diskette mostly finished.
I consider it to be a more detailed version of my own dealings with "special
education" and being a childhood prisoner of a
Synanon-based facility in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
known now as Craig Academy. And, tragically enough, is the basis for
most addiction treatment scams out there. Put the two together and one can
envision a system where human beings may wind up dealing with from childhood
to the grave.
Anyhow, the title of the Article is based upon a funky little tune from
Steely Dan's
"Two Against Nature" album. Likewise, it's a song
which subversively details how to drive someone insane. (As I was creating
the links I noticed that there's a special right now on their
Citizen Steely Dan box set which contains ALL
of their tracks from '72-'80 for around $40 so lay down a couple of
on that while you can. I have that set and it is definitely a keeper.)
There's more to come here on The ARID Site. Have a great life! :-)
2006/10/07 - The Definition Of Quitting Addiction
Yegads! It's another Article! :-) The reason is
quite simple: Nowhere did I find upon either Buchmanite or SCAAAMer
sites was a working definition on what quitting is. Conversely, to coincide
with the big secret on how to quit is a very concise description of what
addiction really is. That part of the Article only takes up a few paragraphs
and is 100% accurate and true, from one quitter (myself) to one who wants
to know how to quit.
From there on I ponder why any of these so-called activists within the
SCAAAM, much less the professionals and bootlickers of the
RGM/ATI in general, didn't catch on. The more I thought about it the
more I realized how right
Jack Trimpey was in
kicking the professional know-nothings out of Rational Recovery and disbanding
the RRSN.
They know not what they do for they don't know how to quit! And yet
it's the logical outcome of any group where exploitation is the norm for
the sake of the group's own survival. Or, in this case, the entire social
services system. But then what important information can one receive from
irresolute drunks or junkies? The REAL information on how to quit
any addiction can be found from a quitter. No wonder the social services
system is so screwed up and why the system doesn't have any stats on abstinence
Anyhow, there's more to come. Be well and live well one LIFETIME at
a time. And avoid ALL addiction recovery groups like the plague for
that is what they are.
P.S. A special shout out to captaincake @ at the
Heroin Detox forum for giving out a link to my September
'06 Article (detailed next).
2006/10/02 - How To Survive Coerced A.A.
Lately I've been experimenting with other electronic dodads and knickknacks
for my computer. In particular I've been enjoying my vast CD collection on
my MP3 player. So I've been ripping and experimenting.
Also I've been checking out
The eMule Project.
Compared to the lame P2P I used to use, this is as cutting edge as it gets.
Search for some of
Secret Agent
Orange's files there sometime. Magnet links will be converted to eD2k
links soon. To me it's the shareware concept for music (or any other file
for that matter): Download to check out those obscure groups and if you like
the music buy the original CD's.
Since I was so busy having fun I forgot to update this news page in regards
to the new Article online. It's a document containing
some practical advice for those who are coerced into the rooms which, oddly
enough, I've never seen on those other
SCAAAM sites. So here it is upon this
ruthlessly independent endeavor
of mine.
Anyhow, as I twist the knife some more into that tortured animal known as
the RGM/ATI, I'll be exposing some more facts which the RGM/ATI (yes, that
includes the SCAAAM) denies to exist. All of this is provided under
the aegis of Informed Consent so that those who
wonder about those other organizations (yes, I
was fooled too) won't get SCAAAMed.
Now, to improve upon my update schedule so that this isn't relegated to be
a once-a-month affair. Take care and
keep it real.
And, if you have a drinking or drug problem then QUIT! :-)
P.S. I must be doing something right. All I
get is praise. Am I that dead-on? ;->
2006/08/31 - Missed Opportunities
It may have appeared that there was some more downtime here at the compound
yet again. I'm just enjoying what's left of the summer, caught a
spammer and got a new
Article ready.
Who would've thought that Melanie Solomon, author of "AA Not The Only Way"
would be so stupid as to not research the E-mail she sends? Since no spammer
can be trusted, she has opened herself up to getting placed within
the list and has a set of
Links dedicated to her:
There's more data I'm going to work on. A dataset in particular is a listing
of A.A.'s front organizations which do the dirty work of disseminating the
propaganda of that cult. Likewise there's also some more data which
Secret Agent Orange
pointed me towards which filled out my own stats on A.A, regarding its membership
profile. So, on top of everything else (including my day job) I'm quite busy.
Have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend! :-)
2006/07/12 - Moby Mailbag
Consider this more than just a queue clearing. Even in the midst of sporadic
site updates I was busy writing replies to some of the E-mail The ARID
Site receives. So here's a huge dose of reading material in the form
of a Mailbag.
Also, consider this a promise fulfilled regarding yet another exposure of
the so-called "Anti-A.A." movement as the sham that it is with a special
guest appearance by the Black Helicopter (tinBH) crowd.
Speaking of frauds, if you are tired of spam and MMF/cult nonsense definitely
check out the Make Money Fast Hall Of Humiliation:
It'll help you to rediscover your moral fiber and to laugh at the various
frauds out there. Learn how to trace spam E-mail and LART lamers.
It's a part of my Links page so it's definitely worth
a look.
More will be written in the coming days. Have fun! :-)
2006/07/08 - Debunking Denial
After another brief hiatus (a new account increased the workload at my place
of employment, draining my energy in the process), a new
Article is up. The capsule summary: "The idea
of any addicted person being in denial is pure rubbish." (The irony
is that the recovery group movement/addiction treatment industry denies a
lot of obvious facts.)
There's more information I have to publish, especially a
Mailbag which is composed of the last six months
of E-mail that I've replied to. So this update is brief.
Have a happy and safe weekend! :-)
2006/06/27 - Enjoying The Summer
It looks like I'm back into my end-of-the-month update schedule. I've been
enjoying the weather until it started raining like crazy. So I took advantage
of that time to enjoy some long walks to burn off some pounds.
Between the last update and now, former police officer (he recently retired)
S. Garry Nowak submitted a new file which is now within
The 12th Files to augment his excellent
"Alcoholism: The Volitional Disease" essay. He also E-mailed me his
appreciation although, I must admit, with my job at work I can be quite formal
within my E-mail communications. With the weather being as nice as it was
the update to the ARID News page fell by the wayside.
I may even help him set up his own website so that he can get an extensive
research paper he wrote on substance addiction self-published. He's an excellent
person to know and I'm honored to have conversed with him via E-mail (it's
about time for a Mailbag update anyhow).
So, as with Secret Agent Orange and his new feathered friends, my time was
just spent chillin' with the sunny weather, the cats and exit-counseling
some newcomers out of the recovery group movement. Life is awesome. :-)
Then it rained. A lot. The creek which runs alongside the dr.bomb compound
overflowed its banks and left a nice mess (nothing was destroyed on the
homestead, though...sorry Buchmanites).
Anyhow, I'm going to spend some time getting another Article up to at least
make it look like The ARID Site has some sort of an online publishing
I hope your summer is a happy, healthy and productive one. Mine is so far.
2006/05/18 - The Uselessness Of Addiction Treatment (Illustrated)
Again, my own life intrudes upon the updating of The ARID Site. It's
a good thing because that proves there's more to life than just kvetching
about the corrupt system of social cultism mistakenly known as addiction
In my case a friend of mine was "thisclose" to getting really involved in
a commercial cult known as Amway/Quixtar. With a little bit of intuition
on my part, indeed looking before I leapt, I educated myself about that other
nasty cult and got the word out to my friend concerning the danger within
it (being a slave for zero pay within a cult "carrying the message" is not
a life worth living).
If you know of friends and/or family involved in Amway/Quixtar I highly recommend
downloading and reading
Of Deception. Heck, even if you don't know anyone yet have been
attempting to heal from the wounds of recovering from 12-Step cultism
it is worth reading.
In the meantime I found something from deep within my archives which merits
publication as an Article unto itself. From the
mind of Mad Magazine's Al Jaffee is an excellent illustration of how irrelevant
addiction treatment (especially those meaningless meetings in ALL forms)
Sometimes a few illustrations speak thousands of words. Enjoy and I hope
no other crisis distracts me from my duties here. :-)
2006/04/05 - The REAL Pittsburgh A.A. FAQ
According to the NCADD, April is "Alcohol Awareness Month".
And no, I didn't sell out. ;->
In an effort to get more information about the REAL A.A. out into
the open I visited the Pittsburgh A.A. website and found its FAQ to be very
inadequate. So, in an effort to retool plenty of the information upon The
ARID Site into a more focused form, the latest
Article is worth a read for those who are new
in relation to A.A. or are concerned about its dangerous nature and want
more information about it in a more palatable form.
This Article is so important that this month I made a direct link to it from
the frontdoor (Frey has been played...out). I also plan on condensing it
into the form of a .PDF pamphlet later for quick & dirty distribution.
Finally, because it is that month, I will also create a similar Article this
month which also takes the national A.A.'s Q&A section to task (I still
owe y'all one Article). So let's take back the month and make April "A.A.
Awareness Month"! ;->
As for Donald Lee, known online predator, that FAQ alone should definitely
be read by his Buchmanite ass.
Happy A.A. Awareness Month! Save a life! Learn and spread the
TRUTH about A.A.! :-)
2006/03/10 - The Saga Continues...
After six months, Donald Lee a.k.a. RationalDL gets a wild hair, searches
the 'net for his nick and winds up sending me E-mail. Thus, celebrating the
six-month anniversary of its creation, a new page has been added which details
the fracas of "rational" DL
vs. dr.bomb. Folks, it ain't pretty watching the wolf step out of its sheep's
clothing as the truth is revealed: Donald Lee is a Buchmanite.
So truck on over to the Options page and check
out the Caveat Emptor section. Aww...heck.
Just go to Part 2 right now! You'll NEVER
see that person in the same light again.
I'm sure you'll have your own questions
for him as well.
And for newcomers who are new to the 12-step-free list where Lee is a frequent
poster, I offer this link which
jumps right to the warning at the end of Part 2.
And, as an anniversary of sorts, this date marks the first anniversary of
my first Article on this site. I consider it to
be a mere rant as opposed to my later work. I still feel that it needed to
be said (not to mention that the picture in that Article is priceless). Anyhow,
I have another Article to post for this month to make up for the lack of
one in the previous month.
When you get right down into the wacky world of the recovery group movement
and its numerous apologists, morons who will steer the addicted who want
to quit away from quitting for good. This isn't for the clients' benefit
but the apologists' own personal agenda. Concerning those facts, there's
always something to be said...and done.
Ciao for now! :-)
2006/03/07 - Self-Recovering From Child Abuse
Thanks to mandatory overtime during my pharmesutical-distributing day job
and a nasty dose of the flu my next Article release
was delayed. That doesn't mean I've stopped writing. I'm still talkin' and
will keep doing so.
The Article, now available, details the folly
of child abuse and offers plenty of clues as to how its aftermath can be
defeated once and for all. As someone who was abused as a child by the
therapeutic state I offer plenty of insight. Admittedly, I had to re-edit
it substantially in order to hold back some personal information for such
information has nothing to do with defeating that self-doubt. Interestingly
enough, that very self-doubt is identical to that for substance addiction.
And is just as easily killed once one knows the game.
Oh, my website is over a year old! There are plenty of pages, graphics and
all independently produced using oldskool tools. And the visits keep on coming.
So there is plenty more that I have to say about how to free oneself from
not just substance addiction but also from the very system which perpetuates
it through its pro-addiction meetings and "treatment". And I'm on the lookout
for a new server and the time to convert the pages.
Now if I can get a breather from my day job (mandatory overtime is rough
yet pays well) I can do a better job at maintaining my site. And that's the
best part of ending a substance addiction: You have much more money in your
pocket to invest in other activities or just to invest. Capitalism rocks!
So, until next time (certainly not over month later like this time)...
2006/02/02 - Freyed Knot
Q: So, will the apologists sever their ties with someone
who has proven to be completely unreliable when fact checking was finally
employed against their work?
A: 'fraid not.
Thus the mass media fallout ensues over James Frey's falsehoods within his
book, A Million Little Pieces. I knew I was going to end up adding
more entries upon the CAVEAT EMPTOR page
within the Options section but I never knew that
Frey would be one of those entries. Then again, within the Wild West of the
Pecos known as the free marketplace of ideas, anything goes. I'm learning
to expect the unexpected.
While it's not up to par with my other Articles
it was worth me spending a couple of hours today after work, from start to
finish, putting it together. Likewise, since it shoots from the hip, I expect
that it will piss plenty of people off. Oh, it has TONS of weblinks
James Frey, you are busted. Oh, you are soooooooo busted!
Now I'll have to recuperate for a day or so just so that I can refill my
pixelated poison pen. As I said earlier, "So many lies, so little time."
So I might as well get that aggression going right now.
Have a great life! Enjoy every moment! :-)
2006/01/31 - The "Most Addictive" Drug Nonsense
It's been a month While I've been away from my keyboard performing research
on the atrocity known as "special education" (I thank Stanton Peele and his
Diseasing Of America, for leading me to an important
book on the subject) which led me away from my duties maintaining The
ARID Site. I found my assertions confirmed within a previous
Article which debunked the lie known as "attention
deficit disorder" (among other lies).
Anyhow, I was researching the exaggerations of how addictive nicotine is
and, in the process of doing so, not only did I get sidetracked but caught
Stanton Peele lying. Anyhow, read the latest
Article and weep.
"Coulda been uh contenda..." Learn also how I quit
smoking well before I ever heard of Rational Recovery
and Jack Trimpey.
Witness as someone sees through the hype and lack of substance bolstering
the hype of addictive substances.
Finally, I've been active on
Amazon.com and
taking care of some business and expanding my presence. I have also been
settling some old scores. So yes I do have a life outside of this mess known
as the addiction field. So many lies, so little time. Makes you long
for a little rigorous honesty,
huh? Well, you're in the right place.
So it's been a busy month. Maybe next month I'll channel some of that business
back here. :-)
2006/01/01 - Happy New Year!
As I start evaluating the "alternatives" further I have made my most recent
Article my official position regarding those other
organizations: They are nothing more than apologists of a failed system.
So I have added a disclaimer notice on the Options
page reflecting that fact. I will be taking the time in being as thorough
in evaluating them as I was in debunking Buchmanism a.k.a. the Twelve Step
religious cult ideology.
The position of me and The ARID Site has now been simplified: Anyone
can end an addiction a.k.a. a bad habit once and for all by harnessing
their own native human stubbornness to NEVER engage in that activity
ever again. Recognize the self-doubt as a mere remnant of your old behavior
and disregard it accordingly for you are a healthy person. It WILL
pass. Any org which complicates that matter with junk science should be ruled
as suspect and NEVER to be trusted. The religious/medical/psychological
models of addiction are 100% bunk.
It's taking simple engineering to its best K.I.S.S. form: Keep
It Short and Simplified. So as I welcome in the New
Year I might as well learn how to harness Occam's Razor like
The Green Destiny.
Keeping it real. Real simple. ;->
2005/12/31 - The Invertebrates Known As "Alternatives"
So much for updates in December. I was sidelined for a couple of weeks due
to a bad cold which robbed me of much energy. Couple that with a year-end
pharmesutical rush at work and you have a combination for plenty of delays.
It was in the middle of the month that I decided to unsubscribe from
While incapacitated I thought long and hard about the so-called "alternatives"
and realized the truth: They are nothing more than a redundant addition to
instill the fallacy of "choice" while legitimizing the disease mythology.
Thus, a year-ending Article of mine which exposes
the apologetic nonsense of the "alternatives".
The truth about addiction and recovery is this: You can either keep engaging
within the same behavior of self intoxication or you can KNOCK IT OFF!
That is the be all and end all, the alpha and the omega, the heart of the
matter laid bare. It is such a common-sense insight that the bootlicking
apologists of the "alternatives" will label this as a sign of zealotry and
closed-mindedness on my part. It's that simple: You can
quit or you can continue. Nothing more and nothing
Finally, just as I have examined the Twelve Steps and realized the obvious
that there is no Step which offers the simple advice of KNOCKING IT OFF,
I will now view the "alternatives" in the same light by also examining their
own ideologies. Let's just say that 2006 will be a much more aggressive year
for The ARID Site.
So I hope your New Year is a very productive one. And, if you're making a
New Year resolution which involves quitting smoking, drinking or any other
form of recreational drug use, make that commitment to quit once and for
all. Go "all in" and never look back. Recognize that self-doubt afterwards
as the mere "hangover" from choosing to live life free from addiction and
you'll do fine. And remember to avoid ALL recovery groups like
the plague.
See y'all in 2006! :-)
2005/11/26 - Sample .PDF Brochure Online
As I continue to play catch-up I have added a new page to the
Activism section. For newcomers who don't know
what Twelve-Step does NOT provide, the debut brochure distills the essence
of "The Pro-Addiction Swindle" Article into a
portable format. Download, print and distribute. It doesn't get any simpler
than that.
This project also shows that
OpenOffice.org can
be used for basic desktop publishing work. For people who can't afford to
spend money for the latest version of PageMaker then this software can fill
that need for basic DTP...for free.
When I find more time I'll create more .PDF Brochures. Enjoy!
2005/11/24 - Stupid Buchmanite Nonsense
As we begin the holiday season, bookended with one binge of food to the closing
of the season with a drunken binge, I have been busy playing catchup with
necessary housework. So while it appears that The ARID Site has been
down, it's only because I've been out and away from my equipment so that
I can get those chores done.
That doesn't mean that I've been neglecting my anti-addiction duties and
Buchmanism-awareness activities. I've been lurking within
and noticed some strange behavior based upon residual Buchmanite programming
by some of the participants. I've also been lurking and digging into the
dark side of the anti-gangstalking movement and found myself confirming my
own suspicions in the process.
So, in an effort to clear up a bunch of lies courtesy of the therapeutic
state, I decided to create a quick new Article
debunking the Stupid Buchmanite Nonsense of ADD/ADHD, "self-medication"
(as in, "I'm not drinking...I'm self-medicating"), being
"in recovery" and gangstalking. I'm
probably going to catch some heat on this but what good is running and
maintaining a website if you don't generate some controversy?
I've also been fine-tuning my .PDF brochures which serve as an antidote to
AAWS's propaganda. Tomorrow I'll have a prototype page available upon the
Activism part of The ARID Site and over
the weekend I'll post a couple more .PDF's. I also got some ink stamps to
a dollar bill tracking site, and have been finding that to be an interesting
little diversion.
Finally, thanks to a link from
Fornits.com, I found
a great book online,
Nobody's Business If You Do" by the late
Peter McWilliams,
which does capture the essence of personal freedom which I embrace. Some
of my time was taken up as I found myself reading it chapter-by-chapter,
not unlike when I received the full copy of
Chris Largen's
"Junk" via E-mail from the author himself in .PDF format and reading
his entire book in one day (I later bought the book from
ENC Press to send
a few bucks his way). McWilliam's book is far larger than Largen's and is
proving to be quite an enlightening read.
Anyhow, after being fed and refreshed, I'll leave you for a few hours so
that you can enjoy all of the content. Happy holidays!
--dr.bomb |