An Authentic Anti-Addiction Perspective From The
Reality-Based Community
"Analyze, Criticize and Publicize!" --dr.bomb
2005/03/31 - Hello Scott!
Inside joke. ;->
I've been dealing with a wicked cold and lethargy from it so I've been "down"
for the past week or so. That doesn't mean I haven't been working upon the
site. I've been doing some writing on some items to be integrated into the
main content. Not to worry. There will be some more stuff to read soon. The
better I feel the more I feel motivated to get the word out.
A lot of the "backend" work is dedicated towards some very important documents
which are soon to arrive into my possession. The cheap flatbed scanner and
.PDF printer driver awaits their arrival. The entire "backend" comprises
an entire new section of the site inspired by those documents. That means
more flexing the cerebellum and my fingers in the meantime. I also received
an E-mail from a brief publicity attempt I made
I may have to do that again in a couple of weeks just to get some more hits.
Sad news though: The A.A. Deprogramming website is down and there's
no word from Apple as to its whereabouts. I've attempted to contact her four
times but her mailbox is full. However, thanks to the
Internet Archive and
its Wayback Machine,
it is on a respirator. Check out the Links section
for the updated link.
As for the April 1st content, there is never going to be any here. The systemic
submission of our social services system to the alcohol cult, known here
as Buchmanism and in the outside world as A.A., is no joking matter (neither
is its involvement within the criminal justice system...but that's another
fool to frag...soon...). Despite my downtime I'm still alive and abstinent
and will remain so for one LIFETIME at a time.
2005/03/17 - Death To The 404's!
I did it! Woo hoo! Now I can keep focused on the content than worry about
any broken internal links. :-)
There is much more to peruse now. The Options page
is full of vital information including a crash course on ethics which contains
information which is sadly absent within the recovery group movement and
its business arm, the addiction treatment industry. There is a neat little
article by myself with an interesting observation concerning A.A.'s Traditions
in regards to "counselors." It may not be perfect but I think it's good to
start with.
The Mailbag has its first submissions. It's not
much but I'm sure I'll get flamed in one way or another for them. Placeholders
elsewhere have been set up but will be filled with more content as the months
go by. And yes, india jane, the link to Jeff Schaler's website is within
the Links page. :-)
As time goes on I'm going to review the various books and organizations so
that one can see how beneficial all of this is. However, for purposes of
full disclosure, I know
like Neo knows kung-fu. Therefore my bias will become apparent as I keep
exercising my free speech rights by exercising my keyboard.
2005/03/13 - About...An Exercise In Web-based "Therapy"
I realized something while posting upon's
forums: There was something which really bothered me when dealing with
"treatment" in all of its forms which set me right off. So I did the right
thing, focused my attention on my website's own development and started writing.
Right now I'm finishing up a marathon writing session which comprises the
bulk of the About link. I spent what began at around 15:00 EST Saturday ironing
out my thoughts and everything flowed from there. It's 2:30AM right now and
I just want to put it, and myself, to bed.
There is a LOT there and pretty much gets to the heart of what The ARID Site
is all about. Or, at least I hope it does. I wanted to add more to the
Books section but right now a placeholder will suffice.
Another section has been added to the Lexicon.
For what it's worth it has been a very productive day.
My apologies to Ken Ragge and the participants of the aforementioned forum.
I'll visit later today in phalengeal silence. My fingers are sore.
2005/03/10 - A Special "Birthday" Article Debut
To celebrate someone in my life who has just had a birthday today I have
launched the Articles section. You'll laugh! You'll
wince! You'll be satisfied once I kill all the 404's! ;->
Seriously, if there's anything I cannot stand are the chronically self-righteous.
I'm sure we all fall prey to such emotions from time to time. However, once
I realize I'm going somewhere where I don't want to go that's where I hit
the brakes, think, and move on to get past it. It's those easy "targets of
opportunity" which I just can't help to not pass up.
This is one of those targets.
2005/03/08 - Still Writing...Plus a Lexicon!
Over the weekend I've been filling in the links along the navbar as well
as doing some pages not yet resolved into the format. Since November 2004
I have been writing and have a ton of text which I just have to drag, drop
and edit into the site. Don't mind the "organized mess" and its 404's. They'll
eventually go away. ;->
For an example of this I have a working version of a linguistics analysis
project which I have named "The Buchmanese
Lexicon". For those who have wondered about the language spoken at
meetings and within A.A.'s propaganda and need to sharpen their intuition
this page is for you. Slogans not included...yet...
If you're into feeding a starving website designer's self-indulgent promotional
schemes, click on the "No 12-Steps!" logo within the ARID logo
banner for a freebie to add to your site. If you have a website then you
might as well show your outrage graphically.
Finally, as much as I try to not hype Micro$oft's XP Pro software
I do like how Deplorer handles FTP. It's easy for me to update this
meager website with a quick drag'n'drop motion and I don't have to buy additional
FTP software in the process (it's a low-budget indie DIY thang). What
interesting things you learn about FTP through
Tripod's help system.
Now if Micro$oft would do the right thing and separate
Deplorer" from the OS so that I can remove it to save some diskspace
and run
Firefox all the time I'll be an even happier man. ;->
2005/03/08 - New Forums
Ken Ragge, author of "The Real A.A.", has now installed forums upon
his website @
I, for one, welcome the addition since I feel that I have outgrown the forums
on Jack Trimpey's Rational Recovery website
For those who are interested help get the word out and sign up. We need to
fill that place up with content. ;->
It's an awesome site despite the low-rent HTML. Where else can you feed your
head with four full-length books concerning the history of A.A. for free?
Thanks Ken! :-)
2005/03/04 - Official ARID Site Re-inauguration!
I have finally got the graphics and links all together! It isn't as though
I had the webspace since OCtober '04 and let it go to waste. Did you check
out the David Mamet page yet? Now that I have all the layouts ready to go
I can now take my mind off of how all the elements go together and just write!
That means I have to craft the text content for the navigation pages. Easy!
To celebrate why don't you do yourself a big favor and
Recover Now?
Check out the links. Enjoy yourself. Let me know how this all works.