The "No 12-Steps!" Campaign
"You have no conception these days of how much
failure we had. You had to cull over hundreds of these drunks to get a handful
to take the bait."
--From William Griffith Wilson's Speech at the Memorial Service for Dr. Bob,
Nov. 15, 1952 (and inadvertently admitting in so many words that 12-Step
has always been a failure)
The ARID Site is one of very few authentic anti-addiction websites
which have realized a simple truth through the years: 12-Step programs have
NEVER worked to end the scourge of bad habits. In fact it can be
unequivocally stated that 12-Step "treatment" causes the very problems that
its supporters claim to control and, when it comes down to KNOCKING IT
OFF, serves no purpose due to its ineffectiveness:
In an Erie County, New York, study (Wieczorek, Miller, 1990), 91%, of "severe
DWI offenders" were found to have participated in an A.A.-type addiction
treatment program.
According to the The Harvard Mental Health Letter that
80% of those who were addicted do quit on their own
without A.A. and/or 12-Step "treatment".
According to the May 2001 A.A. Grapevine interview of A.A. Trustee Professor
George E. Vaillant that at least 60% of
people do self-recover without either treatment or recovery group
Likewise, according to his own book, The Natural History of Alcoholism,
his Twelve Step treatment program in CASPAR was, in his own word,
"appalling" regarding its own mortality rate as opposed
to no treatment.
Dr. James Kohler, director of the
California Department
of Alcohol and Drug Programs, is on the record
stating that permanent abstinence within the addiction treatment industry
is "not gonna happen".
Even William Griffith Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, admitted
that A.A. was a failure from the start
at Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith's memorial service
and confirmed in the present day via A.A.'s own December 1990 internal document,
"Comments On A.A. Triennial Surveys".
For more disturbing yet interesting statistics on A.A./12-Step "treatment"
and its ineffectiveness Secret Agent Orange has compiled a
page at his Orange
Papers website which will keep you reading for hours.
Know the truth about addiction and how one can solve their own problem regarding
it. This information is readily available directly
from the first page of The ARID Site.
Finally, peruse the growing collection of Links for
more information. You may be able to dig up more truth on your own regarding
how useless (and even dangerous) "Twelve Step Facilitation" is.
More will indeed be revealed as long as people are willing to take a courageous
stance by standing up and speaking out.
Beware of imitations that only claim to
be doing something about the problem at hand!
About The "No 12-Steps!" Campaign
The "No 12-Steps!" Campaign is a simple educational device webmasters,
writers and other concerned citizens can employ in a simple gesture to get
the word out as to the real history and dismal failure of 12-Step programs
in the realm of rehabilitation regarding compulsive behaviors.
Ideally, the campaign is quite simple when you have webspace to publish to
(or simply have a blog and just want to place some simple HTML online in
ONE step):
Copy and paste the following HTML code into you page to link back to this
<TD><P ALIGN=Center>
<A HREF="http://www.thearidsite.org/NO12STEP.HTM"><IMG
SRC="http://img458.imageshack.us/img458/6095/no12stcrxv4.gif" BORDER="0"
ALT="No 12-Steps!" WIDTH="80"
The resulting link will look like the following:
Advanced Campaign
A more ideal campaign involves the use of an "interstitial essay" between
the link on the page you would like to have the link upon and the real link
at the end of an essay. This naturally takes a bit more effort solely for
the fact that an essay needs to be written:
Use the NO12STCR.GIF graphic but first link it to the URL of the essay that
you have written detailing the adverse consequences of 12-Step indoctrination
that either you or a loved one has endured.
At the end of the essay provide the real HTML link to this campaign page
as detailed above.
The ARID Site the URL of the essay so that I can provide a link
to it here!
As this website grows and its presence is further known the campaign will
grow accordingly. At the time of this writing The ARID Site is the
first in engaging in such an online effort. I just hope that it doesn't become
the last.
Back to the Activism page.
Last updated 2007/02/09